Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 230 commentaires et rétroaction

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Mark Mallen

I am writing to express and relay that my geographic area does not properly align with the riding of Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott, as is being proposed to take place by the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario. I very much feel that the electoral boundary lines should follow where citizens remit their municipal taxes. In my case this would be Kingston and the Islands. I have had the opportunity to review the current proposal that is looking into making changes to the existing boundaries and I have to admit that, although improved from the existing, the mapping remains flawed and needs to be further evaluated and/or revised. Things to consider in the review might include:

  1. With what major city or town a resident receives police, fire and ambulatory services from? In my personal situation this would be with the city of Kingston.
  2. What major center does a resident's social, cultural, and economic activity all draw from or to? Again, in my case it would be primarily Kingston. Not Gananoque, Brockville, or Prescott as the proposed mapping changes are suggesting be done.
  3. What municipality does a resident pay property taxes to? Again, for myself those municipal property tax dollars are paid to the City of Kingston (not Gananoque, Brockville, or Prescott).
  4. What is the average distance needing to be traveled for a resident to visit their constituency office? In my personal case it would be 10 km in Kingston if the boundaries were to be revised in a more sensible manner. If the new proposed boundaries are implemented without further consideration or review my constituency office would end up being located in Brockville. This is approximately 90 km away and would also hold a representative to which I did not cast a vote for! Very unlikely that that such an individual would give much attention to anyone or any issue that clearly is not within their local area!

Please do not make changes to the electoral boundaries unless they align properly with those of the residence and their municipal taxation remittance centers. North of the 401 is not a realistic boundary line to use.

Mark Mallen, RSE

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