Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 238 commentaires et rétroaction

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Michael Latter
Christine Latter

I would like to voice my concerns with the proposed changes to our district. I currently live in the district of countryside although I am listed within Kingston city limits 1 km North of the 401. I have no interests that would align with the ridings outside my area. I share police and fire services with Kingston, my social, cultural and economic activities all Center around Kingston, I pay property taxes to the city of Kington and I have no desire to drive 90 km to a constituency office outside of my region.

If this were to happen I would expect ample tax relief to no longer be considered a Kingston resident in a higher based tax rating. This doesn't seem to be well thought out when my residence is listed within Kingston city limits!!!

Please listen and address our concerns!

Thank you
Michael and Christine Latter

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