Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 240 commentaires et rétroaction

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Michael Scrannage

It has been brought to my attention that there is consideration to return the area I reside, City of Kingston north of the 401, back into the Kingston and the Island riding, as opposed to the riding of Gananoque-brockville-Prescott.

I would whole heartedly support and appreciate this decision.

As a lifelong Kingston resident I pay property taxes to the Corporation of the City of Kingston. In addition police and fire protection to my home is provided by the City of Kingston.

I have alway made it a point to be aware of the economic activity in our Kingston area. My social activities are based in the Kingston area.

Over the years I have had the pleasure of knowing Flora MacDonald, Peter Milliken and Mark Gerretsen. Mark Gerretsens office is 8 km from my home. If for any reason I needed to visit the Brockville Riding office it would be a 180km round trip.

I have no contact from our present Member of Parliament and do not feel that our area, Kingston North of the 401, is well represented by the present riding configuration.

Two of my children who have been raises and apenr their entire lives in Kingston, have chosen to buy homes and reside near me in Kingston, north of the 401 area. I believe that being represented by a geographically removed Member of Parliament will greatly reduce their interest in voting.

I truly believe that the interests of our community are not well represented by the Gananoque- Brockville-prescott riding.

Thank you for reading my email and I hope the decision is made to include the area in which I live back to The Kingston and Island Riding where it rightly belongs.

Michael Scrannage

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