Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 252 commentaires et rétroaction

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Nicole Woock

I am writing about the proposed changes to the electoral boundaries, specifically in the Kingston area. I live in the City of Kingston, just north of the 401, and am concerned about the proposal to make us part of the Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott riding nor should we remain in the Lanark-Frontenac-"Kingston" riding. We share little commonalities with either of those ridings and feel underserved and unheard already (we feel Lanark-Frontenac has never properly integrated the Kingston residents into it).

Our interests do not align with either riding and we should move back into the Kingston & the Islands since we actually do live in the City of Kingston! Our property taxes go to the City of Kingston and we share police and fire services with Kingston. We work, go to school, socialize, and do activities in Kingston (not Gananoque, Brockville, Prescott, Perth, Smiths Falls, or Carleton Place!). In fact, I signed up for and watch for news from MP Mark Gerretsen from Kingston & the Islands since it's usually more relevant to us because most of our life is in Kingston. It feels like our home is a place we sleep but can't connect to the region because it's not truly our region.

During election campaigns we never get knocks on the door and typically get mail from Kingston & the Islands campaigns over Lanark-Frontenac (our postal code is K7L 5H6 which is a Kingston delivery code!). If I want to work on an election campaign in the riding I live, it's with and for people I don't know and I can't actively participate because meetings are 45 minutes away.

So, I believe that the City of Kingston should rejoin with Kingston & the Islands and not be with either Lanark-Frontenac or Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott.

Thank you for taking the time to read my opinion

Nicole Woock

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