Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 254 commentaires et rétroaction

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Pat Sayeau

Mr. Commissioner, Members of the Commission:

Good Afternoon, Your Honour and Members of the Commission. May I first acknowledge and Thank You for the important work you do as members of the Commission.

My name is Pat Sayeau and I am the Mayor of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal and as Mayor of the Township I am also a member of Governing Body of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville (UCLG) and a past Warden of the County. I am completing my 16th year on Township Council and my Eighth Year as Mayor. Edwardsburgh Cardinal is one of ten municipalities within the Upper Tier Municipality known as the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville (UCLG).

I will be speaking against the Commission proposal to create a proposed new riding of Prescott ­Brockville - Gananoque and in favour of some minor adjustments to the size of our existing Riding of Leeds - Grenville - Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes. As such, I am speaking in support of the second proposal put forward October 26 by MP Barrett and supported by MPP Clark, Warden Haley, Mayor Burrow, Mayor Struthers, Mayor Jones and earlier in the Hearings by Mayor Hoogenboom.

UCLG is an upper-tier municipality made up of 10 lower tier municipalities all situated within the current electoral district known as Leeds - Grenville - Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes and is the Provincially Designated Service Provider of Provincial Programs within our geographic area. As such Joint-Services operating partnerships have been negotiated with the separated towns of Prescott and Gananoque and the City of Brockville which are also located within the geographic boundaries of the United Counties and within our existing riding of Leeds - Grenville - Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes.

Having the same geographical boundary as the existing electoral district has allowed for increased partnerships, efficient service delivery, strong and effective advocacy and lobbying and provided for the expansion of communities of interest and the promotion of a strong rural identity for Leeds and Grenville residents.

While it is understood that UCLG will be contractually obligated with the Province of Ontario to use established partnerships to deliver such programs as Ambulance Paramedic Services, Community (Social) Housing, Long Term Care Homes, Children's Services and Ontario Works regardless of electoral district changes, Counties Council has identified concerns that changes would confuse voters and potentially undo many years of relationship building between formerly independent municipalities. Through the implementation of the proposed boundary changes, UCLG will be split into two Electoral Districts, disrupting the benefits outlined above and negatively impacting various communities of social, economic, political ties. And I am especially concerned with the issue raised by Mayor Burrow which would see the amalgamated Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley split apart again for Electoral Riding purposes thus opening old wounds.

As you know, the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act requires the Commission to make every effort to ensure that the population of each electoral district in the province remains within 10% more or less, of the Quota of 116,590. The population of the existing Electoral District is within the tolerance limits of +or- 10% allowed by the legislation and as such, we respectfully request that the boundary remains as is in order to comply with legislated requirements and also to provide for the benefits outlined in my presentation. The population of the Counties continues to grow with a population increase of more than 4,500 since the 2016 census on which the present exercise is based. Based on this growth trend of 900 per year we anticipate that our existing boundaries already meet your self-imposed target.

Should the status quo, which is closely within the tolerance limits of +or- 10% allowed by the legislation, not be possible, then the least disruptive solution is the second proposal advanced by MP Barrett which involves adding the Separated Town of Smiths Falls with a population of almost 10,000 situated along our northwestern border to the current Electoral District of Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes. Existing economic development, tourism, health and social service partnerships between the Counties and the separated Town of Smiths Falls support this suggestion should the Commission wish to explore it further.

I am hopeful that the Commission will have the latitude, within your governing legislation, to have due regard to the political and administrative realities of UCLG and our requirement to staff, finance and deliver the provincially legislated and contracted services referenced above and in Warden Haley's presentation on September 26.

Thank you for the opportunity to make this presentation.

Pat Sayeau, Mayor
Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal

township of edwardsburgh cardinal

September 26, 2022

whereas the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act notes that as soon as possible after the completion of each decennial census, the Chief Statistician prepares and sends the relevant population figures to the Minister designed by the Governor in Council as the minister for the purposes of the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, and to the Chief Electoral Officer who is responsible for the administration of federal elections; and

whereas on the first dissolution of Parliament that occurs at least seven months after the day the new representation order for the provinces is proclaimed, the proposed electoral boundary changes will be in effect; and

whereas the Province of Ontario enacted electoral districts whose names and boundaries are identical to those of the federal electoral districts following the 2012 Federal Electoral District Boundaries Commission for Ontario, with the exception of 13 districts in Northern Ontario; and

whereas the proposed federal electoral boundary changes, to create voter parity across Ontario, may greatly impact the current district of Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes; and

whereas the communities that are within the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, including the single-tier municipalities of Brockville, Gananoque, and Prescott, boundary ought to remain united.

now therefore be it resolved that the Municipal Council of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal supports and endorses Mayor Sayeau to represent Municipal Council and the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal through official feedback and/or at ending and participating in public hearings with the Federal Electoral Boundaries C mmission.

Carried 0 Defea d 0 Unanimous


recorded vote requesad by:

Councillor H. Cameron  
Councillor S. Dillabough  
Councillor J. Hunter  
Deputy Mayor T. Deschamps  
Mayor P. Sayeau  

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