Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 255 commentaires et rétroaction

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Paul Cowx

I am writing to share my thoughts and approval for the proposal to include Glenburnie (and adjacent areas immediately north of Kingston) in the federal riding of Kingston and the Islands. Changing the boundaries to include other rural Kingston areas within the Kingston and the Islands riding is an opportunity to dramatically improve federal governance for these constituents.

There are several reasons for being in favour of this redistribution:

  • we presently live in the municipal area of Kingston and consequently pay municipal taxes to, and receive services such as police, fire and collections from the City of Kingston.
  • Constituents residing in the proposed redrawn Kingston and the Islands area will be able to now raise issues with their local council AND with their local MP, whereas residents of this area presently do not have a 'local' MP, nor will they if this area gets included in the Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott riding. The distances are 10 km to Kingston vs 85 to Brockville
  • lastly, our first go-to is the City of Kingston for social, cultural and economic activities. Due to the distances involved, traveling to Gananoque, let alone Brockville or Prescott is rare.

The City has been tremendously supportive in voicing this areas residents' concerns to applicable provincial and federal branches of government on matters of healthcare and of rural and suburban connectivity. That said, there are many neighbourhoods remaining in rural Kingston outside of the present Kingston and the Islands riding that continue to be federally under-represented when it comes to connectivity and other federal matters. Collectively, we look forward to this being improved when the boundaries get redrawn.

Many thanks for your consideration. I invite you to forward questions and comments to me at XXXXXXX.

Paul Cowx, P.Eng. (ret.)

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