Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 259 commentaires et rétroaction

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Perry Conrad
Jackie Conrad

We are Perry and Jackie Conrad and live at XXXXX, Glenburnie, On, K0H1S0 (kingston) which is located approximately 5km north of 401 Hwy within the boundaries of the City of Kingston.

In 2013 the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission excluded us from the Kingston and the Islands district and moved us to Perth a distance of 110 kilometers. By using the 401 Hwy as a boundary to divide the city this move in no way benefited us and in fact we saw it as detrimental to us having elected representation that reflected our needs as residences of the City of Kingston. During every Federal Election since 2013 we have written to Elections Canada and asked to be returned to the Kingston and the Islands riding.

It is now my understanding the proposal is to move us to a riding with Brockville and Prescott.

we would ask that you return us to the riding of kingston and the islands.

Since we pay our taxes to Kingston, receive police and fire services from Kingston and the majority of our social, cultural and economic activity centres around Kingston we believe the move back to the way it was is a sound and logical decision.

Perry and Jackie Conrad

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