Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 264 commentaires et rétroaction

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Randy Knapp
Glenys Neily

It seems incredible that a resident of Kingston would have to travel to Brockville to visit our MP. This is simply ridiculous and totally illogical. We live 10 minutes from downtown Kingston and this is where we live, shop etc. We have no connection whatsoever with Brockville. Furthermore we are serviced by police and fire services with Kingston, our social, cultural, and economic activity all centers around Kingston (not Gananoque, Brockville, or Prescott) and we pay property taxes to the City of Kingston (not Gananoque, Brockville, or Prescott).

What is the rationale for inclusion of Glenburnie (a subdivision of Kingston) in the electoral boundary for Brockville, Prescott and Gananoque. Please reconsider this decision and place us in the Kingston electoral district.

Randy Knapp and Glenys Neily

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