Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 270 commentaires et rétroaction

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Robert Wolfe

I am writing to express my disappointment that residents of the City of Kingston who live north of the 401 are once again being left out of the riding of Kingston and the Islands. Under the previous boundaries we rarely saw our MP and MPP, since the centre of the riding was far to the north of us. Under the proposed new boundaries we will again rarely see our MP and MPP because the centre of the riding will be far to the east.

I am now retired, but before that I worked in Kngston. I shop in Kingston. My social life is in Kingston. All my medical appointments are in Kingston. I should have an MP who knows my area and who is visible to me. Please include the Glenburnie area in Kingston and the Islands

Yours sincerely

Robert Wolfe

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