Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 271 commentaires et rétroaction

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Roger Lupton
Sandra Lupton

I am writing to support reallocation of the area directly north of Kingston (north of of the 401, including Glenburnie) back within the riding of Kingston and the Islands.

My family home is in Glenburnie, and under the current boundaries, the riding is served by Scott Reid. Mr. Reid is a man who, on Twitter, openly attacks PM Trudeau, and spreads misinformation about urgent matters like the pandemic and the 2023 illegal occupation of Ottawa. Clearly, Mr. Reid sides with the "FreedomConvoy" (also known as occupiers, domestic terrorists or seditionists). He does not represent the interests of the majority liberal, educated and progressive citizens of Kingston North of the 401.

Another negative impact citizens in this area have seen is that their bureaucracy has become less accessible, their burdens increased and their very real ties to the city of Kingston cut as a result of this preposterous boundary distribution. For example:

  • The area north of the 401 shares police and fire services with Kingston. Kingston also has the two largest, closest hospitals, and many medical clinics that people in this area would access.
  • Most of the people who live in this area shop, dine, do business and enjoy cultural activities in the city of Kingston.
  • Residents of this area pay property taxes to the city of Kingston.
  • The constituency office in Kingston is 80 km closer to most constituents. In an era in which we want to increase democratic participation while also discouraging the unnecessary burning of fossil fuels, this makes no sense.

In the recent provincial election my parents were unable to access the advanced polls simply because of the distance from their home. Voting should not involve a gas-guzzling 45-minute drive to a neighbouring town, a town that is entirely separate from the one you do all of your business in.

There is absolutely no good logic for keeping the citizens of "Kingston North" in a riding that doesn't reflect heir culture, represent their material interests, and that presents unnecessary democratic and environmental challenges. I urge the commission to make the intelligent choice and reunite the disenfranchised constituents of Kingston North back into the riding of Kingston and the Islands.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my arguments.


Rebecca Lupton Alexandre, representing Mr. Roger Lupton and Mrs. Sandra Lupton

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