Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Scott Reid

Presentation to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

Two alternative proposals, for the "internal" boundaries between:

  • Kingston and the Islands
  • Leeds–Grenville
  • Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston
  • Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke

Both alternative proposals reduce the population range between the most and least populous ridings in this region to 6.4%. This is less than half the population range proposed by the Commission (14.0%).

Both alternatives are more respectful of communities of interest than the Commission's proposal.

Scott Reid, M.P.

Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston, October 25, 2022

The problem facing the Commission: Four ridings with a population range of 18.9%

Eastern Ontario–Existing Districts

Labels show deviation from the 2022 Quota Proposal of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commssion for the Province of Ontario 2022

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Table 8A – Eastern Ontario Existing Electoral Districts
Electoral Districts Population–2011 Deviation from Quota–2012 Population–2021 Deviation from Quota–2022
Glengarry–Prescott–Russell 106,240 0.02% 116,463 -0.11%
Kingston and the Islands 116,996 10.15% 126,106 8.16%
Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston 98,424 -7.33% 111,424 -4.43%
Leeds–Grenville–Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes 99,306 -6.50% 104,070 -10.74%
Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke 102,537 -3.46% 107,420 -7.87%
Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry 100,913 -4.99% 104,493 -10.38%
Average 104,069 -2.02% 111,663 -4.23%
Range (most populous to least populous) 18,572 17.48 pp 22,036 18.90 pp

The Commission's proposed solution: Four ridings with a population range of 14.0%

Eastern Ontario - Proposed Districts

Labels show deviation from the 2022 Quota

Proposal of the Federal Electoral Soundanes Convrasion for the Province of Ontario 2022

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Table 8B – Eastern Ontario Proposed Electoral Districts
Electoral Districts Population–2011 Deviation from Quota–2022
Algonquin–Renfrew–Pembroke 116,900 0.27%
Gananoque–Brockville–Prescott 113,266 -2.85%
Kingston and the Islands 126,106 8.16%
Lanark–Frontenac 109,784 -5.84%
Prescott–Russell 111,163 -4.65%
Stormont–Dundas–Glengarry 114,637 -1.68%
Average 115,309 -1.10%
Range (most populous to least populous) 16,322 14.00 pp

However, the Commission's proposal divides three communities of interest: Township of Greater Madawaska: Separated from Renfrew County.

(See Appendix #1 for the Township's Letter to the Commission)

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Township of South Frontenac: Split between two electoral districts.

(See Appendix #2 for the Township's Letter to the Commission)

Township of Elizabethtown–Kitley: Split between two electoral districts.

(See Appendix #3 for the Township's Letter to the Commission)

Alternative Proposal #1:

Four ridings with a population range of 6.4%

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

(a) The part of Kingston east of the Cataraqui and south of Highway 401 (population: 13,799) is transferred from Kingston and the Islands to Lanark–Frontenac;

(b) Smiths Falls (population: 9,254) is transferred from Lanark–Frontenac to Leeds–Grenville.

Alternative Proposal #2:

Four ridings with a population range of 6.4%

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

The part of Kingston east of the Cataraqui & south of Highway 401 (population: 13,799) is transferred from Kingston & the Islands to Leeds–Grenville

Comparing the two Alternative Proposals: Population Considerations

Eastern Ontario Proposal Electoral Districts–Alernative Proposal # 1
Electoral Districts Population–2021 Deviation from Quota–2022 Population–2031 (projected) 2031 Deviation from 4 District Average
Kingston and the Islands 112,307 -3.67% 121,417 -2.43%
Lanark–Frontenac 120,650 3.48% 133,650 7.22%
Leeds–Grenville 113,324 -2.80% 118,088 -5.11%
Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke 119,764 2.72% 124,647 0.16%
Average 116,511 -0.01% 124,451 N/A
Range (most populous to least populous) 8,343 7.15 pp 15,562 12.50 pp
Eastern Ontario Proposed Electoral Districts - Alternative Proposal # 2
Electoral Districts Population–2021 Deviation from Quota–2022 Population–2031 (projected) 2031 Deviation from 4 District Average
Kingston and the Islands 112,307 -3.67% 121,417 -2.43%
Lanark–Frontenac 116,105 -0.40% 129,105 3.74%
Leeds–Grenville 117,869 1.10% 122,633 -1.46%
Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke 119,764 2.72% 124,647 0.16%
Average 115,308 -1.10% 124,450 N/A
Range (most populous to least populous) 7,457 6.39 pp 7,688 6.18 pp

* To obtain projected 2031 populations for each of the four districts, the population growth figures on p. 44 of the Boundaries Commission's proposals were consulted. The assumption is made that between the censuses of 2021 & 2031, each district will grow by exactly the same number as it grew between the censuses of 2011 & 2021.

For example: between 2011 & 2021, the population of Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke grew by 4,883 (from 102,537 to 107,420). The assumption is therefore made that the district's population will grow by exactly 4,883 over the next ten years.

Community of Interest Considerations: Town of Smiths Falls

The two alternative proposals swap the districts in which two localities would be placed.

In Alternative #1, the part of Kingston lying south of Highway 401 and east of the Cataraqui River is placed in Lanark–Frontenac, while Smiths Falls is placed in Leeds–Grenville. In Alternative #2, the placements are reversed.

I have no way of determining which of these two options would seem preferable to the residents of the relevant part of Kingston. But I can confirm that, upon learning that the mayor of a nearby township had suggested attaching Smiths Falls to Leeds–Grenville, Smiths Falls Town Council met and adopted a resolution requesting that they remain attached to Lanark rather than to Leeds–Grenville.

On October 21, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Smiths Falls passed the following resolution:

  • Whereas the boundaries of federal electoral districts are redrawn every ten years;
  • And whereas it is possible that the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission may consider aligning the Town of Smiths Falls within the same electoral district as he United Counties of Leeds and Grenville rather than (as at present) Lanark County;
  • And whereas Smiths Falls maintains closer institutional links to Lanark County than to the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville;
  • Now therefore the Town of Smiths Falls requests that in the redistribution, it remains within the same electoral district as Lanark County.


See Appendix #4 for the Town Council's letter to me on this matter.

Ms. Paula Puddy
Commission Secretary
Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario
PO Box 37018 Southdale
London, Ontario N6E 3T3

Dear Commission Secretary Puddy,

It is our obligation to present to you and the Commission our opposition to the Proposal of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario.

The Township of Greater Madawaska passed a resolution opposing the proposal at the Special Council meeting on August 26, 2022. The resolution is on page 11 of this document.

One of the concerns with the proposal is the effect it will have on our residents at a personal and political level. The proposal fails to address the impact of the proposal outside of electoral boundaries, therefore leaving the public concerned that the proposal could affect programs, funding, and their daily lives.

Greater Madawaska is a Township made up of small communities but is also part of a larger community, Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke. Residents of Greater Madawaska conduct their business, send their children to school, work, do their shopping and so much more all within the electoral district of Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke. Residents are familiar with other communities within the electoral district and wish to maintain that close-knit community. Under the proposal, electors from Greater Madawaska would have to travel outside of their community to meet the MP/MPP, causing residents in the western part of the Township an additional hour of driving time each way, to an area they are not.

The Member of Parliament for Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke has represented the County of Renfrew, in its entirety for years, which encompasses the Township of Greater Madawaska. The proposal will cause political division in the County of Renfrew, as Greater Madawaska would be fractioned off into another electoral district. This would compromise the effectiveness of coherent communication by our Federal elected leaders, and the service they provide to the County of Renfrew, Township of Greater Madawaska and all the electors.

The proposed boundary changes serve as no benefit to the electors of the Township of Greater Madawaska. By arbitrarily and without any rationale besides an exercise in map creation this community will be torn from their well-established patterns of commerce, social interaction and more significantly from the relationships which benefit their lives, their safety and to some degree their wellbeing. The fascination of chasing the new magic numeric formula of representation regarding the redistribution has failed the test of serving, supporting, and providing knowledgeable, stable representation to the seat of government on behalf of the community. This is a significant and enduring fail with no apparent present or future benefit to a deserving community.

On behalf of Council and the electors of Greater Madawaska, we strongly encourage you not to proceed with boundary changes relating to the Township of Greater Madawaska and the County of Renfrew.


Brian Hunt
Township of Greater Madawaska

Memo: Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022 – Township of South Frontenac Resolution

At the Township of South Frontenac meeting of Council held on October 11, 2022, the following resolution was approved:

"Whereas the Township of South Frontenac is a lower-tier municipality within the County of Frontenac comprised of the following four (4) wards; Bedford, Loughborough, Portland and Storrington; and

Whereas the entirety of the Township of South Frontenac along with the Township of Central Frontenac and the Township of North Frontenac are presently located in the Federal Electoral District of Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston;

Therefore Be It Resolved That the Council of the Township of South Frontenac do not support the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario – Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022 proposal which intends to divide a portion of the Township (Bedford Ward) from the balance of the Township between two Federal Electoral Districts, with the majority of the Township in the Gananoque–Brockville–Prescott, Federal Electoral District respectively and the Bedford Ward in the Lanark–Frontenac, Federal Electoral District; and

That the Council of South Frontenac strongly request that the entirety of the Township of South Frontenac be included in the proposed Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District to ensure all Township of South Frontenac residents are represented in one Electoral riding; and

That the Council of the Township of South Frontenac recommends that the Commission consider that the entirety of the "northern" portion of the County of Frontenac (South Frontenac, Central Frontenac and North Frontenac Townships) be included in the

proposed Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District to ensure cohesiveness amongst the "northern" Frontenac Townships; and

That the County of Frontenac be requested to support the Township of South Frontenac's recommendations to the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario – Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022; and

That a copy of this resolution and report be provided to the County of Frontenac, Central Frontenac Township, North Frontenac Township, the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario – Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022, and Scott Reid, Member of Parliament, Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston; and

That Council direct the CAO to represent the Township of South Frontenac at the virtual hearing hosted by the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario on November 2, 2022."

A copy of the associated report is attached to the memo. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you.

James Thompson,
Deputy Clerk
Township of South Frontenac

September 20, 2022

sent via email

Ms. Paula Puddy, Commission Secretary
Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario
PO Box 37018 Southdale, London ON N6E 3T3

Proposed Change to Leeds–Grenville–Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes

The Township of Elizabethtown–Kitley recognizes the role the federal government plays in the lives of its citizens and the responsibilities set out within the Constitution of Canada to review its federal electoral districts. We recognize the review relies on the decennial census to determine population sizes of the various electoral districts.

It is from this review that the current district of Leeds–Grenville–Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes, alongside Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston may experience boundary changes. The proposed change would result in the Township of Elizabethtown–Kitley being split between two ridings.

The Township of Elizabethtown–Kitley prides itself on equality among its property owners and visitors, and its partnerships with the other municipalities within the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville and other levels of government. It is the opinion of the municipality that changing the boundary to one that would divide it across two districts would disrupt this balance that has been fostered since its amalgamation.

Therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown–Kitley formally objects to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission's proposal as reconfirmed by the enclosed resolution passed on the 16th of September, 2022.


Alison Merkley,

cc: Michael Barrett, MP for Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes Scott Reid, MP for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston

Corporation of the township of Elizabethtown–Kitley

September 16, 2022, Session RES. NO. 230-22

Moved by

Seconded by


Whereas the proposed boundary changes to the electoral boundaries will eliminate the existing riding of Leeds–Grenville–Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes and create a new riding of Gananoque–Brockville–Prescott;

And whereas the proposed new riding of Lanark–Frontenac will include three (3) United Counties of Leeds and Grenville municipalities, being the Villages of Merrickville–Wolford and Westport, as well as the Township of Rideau Lakes, representing approximately 16% of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville population;

And whereas the proposed electoral boundaries will split the Township of Elizabethtown–Kitley into to separate and distinct ridings with Geographic Kitley being included in proposed Lanark–Frontenac riding and Geographic Elizabethtown in the proposed Gananoque–Brockville–Prescott riding;

And whereas the proposed redistribution and creation of Lanark–Frontenac and Gananoque–Brockville–Prescott is disadvantageous to the Township of Elizabethtown–Kitley due to the division of the municipality and its separation from its community of interest;

Now therefore the Township of Elizabethtown–Kitley formally objects to the proposed Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission's proposed splitting of the municipality into two separate ridings.

Brant Burrow, Mayor

October 21, 2022

Mr. Scott Reid, Member of Parliament
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6

Re: Boundary Adjustment Resolution

At their meeting on October 17, 2022, Council of the Corporation of the Town of Smiths Falls passed the following resolution respecting a Boundary Adjustment:

Boundary Adjustment Resolution

Resolution: 2022-10-258

Moved by W Alford

Seconded by J Brennan

Whereas the boundaries of federal electoral districts are redrawn every ten years;

And whereas it is possible that the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission may consider aligning the Town of Smiths Falls within the same electoral district as he United Counties of Leeds and Grenville rather than (as at present) Lanark County;

And whereas Smiths Falls maintains closer institutional links to Lanark County than to the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville;

Now therefore the Town of Smiths Falls requests that in the redistribution, it remains within the same electoral district as Lanark County.


Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Mayor Shawn Pankow or the undersigned.

Yours truly,

Nadine Bennett
Deputy Clerk

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