Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 283 commentaires et rétroaction

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Sue Rawson

Mark [Gerretsen, MP],

I have lived on Leeman Road for over 40 years and since the redistribution of the electoral boundary to exclude the community of Kingston living north of the 401 I have felt very disenfranchised. I pay property taxes to the City of Kingston and utilize the services of the city of Kingston but now have to vote for someone living in Perth or Smiths Falls and perhaps it could be someone in Brockville or Prescott. I do not feel that this area is being well represented and since the redistribution there has been no contact or communication by potential candidates. As well the distance to the present constituency office and the proposed future one can make it very difficult for some people. It is both a right and necessity to have accessibility to our elected officials.

Thus I fully support your proposal to have residents living North of 401 to be returned to the Kingston and the Islands riding.

Sue Rawson

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