Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 290 commentaires et rétroaction

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Tina Carson
Wayne Carson

I would like to give some input, on behalf of my husband and myself, as to why we want our riding to go back to Kingston and the Islands where it belongs.

  1. We live 10 mins by car from the constituency office in Kingston, we don't want to drive 90km to Brockville !!!!!
  2. Our address is Kingston, not Gananoque, Prescott or Brockville.
  3. We pay our taxes to Kingston.
  4. All of our social activity is in Kingston. We do our banking and healthcare in Kingston. All of our economic activity centres around Kingston. Our life is Kingston and we want it to stay that way.
  5. We don't feel we belong in another boundary, and are very sad, and disappointed at election times that we can't vote for those we feel our "our people".
  6. We have never EVER had any election people come to our area that 'supposedly' represent us. It's too far for them to come and they just don't seem to care about us. We feel very left out and we want our city of Kingston to be our leaders in elections.
  7. Gananoque, Brockville, and Prescott are places we might visit as a tourist, they are not our home riding and never will be.
  8. Please return us back to Kingston and the Islands, it's where we belong.

Tina and Wayne Carson

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