Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 292 commentaires et rétroaction

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Tracy Wilson

I'm writing in response to the proposed boundaries and electoral district changes for those of us who live in the City of Kingston, north of the 401.

I have been a resident of the City of Kingston for 45 years.

I pay property taxes to the City of Kingston.

I work in the City of Kingston.

All of the services I access are in the City of Kingston.

My friends live in Kingston.

I have volunteered in the CIty of Kingston.

So I ask why those of us who are residents of the City of Kingston, living north of the 401, are not members of the Electoral District of Kingston and the Islands? Our interests are with the City of Kingston, not Gananoque, Brockville or Prescott. How is our area best represented when we are just passed around from one electoral district to another? We should be able to belong to a riding where we don't have to drive an hour to access our representative's constituency office.

By putting us in to another electoral district you are just putting aside our interests and losing voters. There is no motivation to get involved in elections when the people running don't live in your community and really don't know what the needs are. We shouldn't be treated as disposable residents, just passed around every 10 years.

All City of Kingston residents should vote in the riding of Kingston and the Islands. The boundary shouldn't be decided based on what side of the 401 you live on.

Tracy Wilson

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