Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 294 commentaires et rétroaction

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Victoria J Ruthven

I am writing to express my thoughts on the possible redistribution of our riding. We live in Kingston, just north of the 401 and ten years ago were separated and put into Lanark Frontenac Kingston instead of Kingston and the Islands. This has been problematic in that we don't feel we are in the right spot and have not been able to get to candidate meetings or debates due to the distance of over 100 km. We did that frequently as part of Kingston and the Islands and feel that we should be back in that riding to be able to exercise our rights to information regarding the election. All of our social, cultural and economic activity is in Kingston and the nearby area and we rarely get to Brockville, Prescott or Gananoque, which is the area I understand that we may be moved into with this adjustment. Our taxes are paid to Kingston, as well as our police and fire services are provided by them - we have a fire station at the corner of our road! Our church is in Kingston and we support arts, entertainment and restaurants there as well. We are within the city boundaries and would prefer to vote there and feel that we are more aligned with city views than rural. I am opposed to moving to another riding that really doesn't fit for us and am very much in favour of rejoining our own city for voting.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter,

Victoria J Ruthven

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