Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 300 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jennifer Flake

I am writing to share my opinion about having the north of Highway 401 riding, where my family currently resides, back into the Kingston and the Islands federal riding boundary as opposed to having it included in the proposed riding of Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott.

I feel that our area does not fit into the proposed riding of Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott for multiple reasons:

We share police and fire services with Kingston.

My family's social, cultural and economic activity centres around Kingston and the Islands and not Gananoque, Brockville or Prescott.

We pay our property taxes to the City of Kingston.

The average distance to the constituency office would be approximately 10 kms in Kingston versus more than 70 kms in Brockville.

I consent to having my full name and comments posted on the Electoral Boundary Commission's website.

Thank you in advance,

Jennifer Flake

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