Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 44 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jacklyn Wright

I now see I have a problem with both the way it is AND the proposal. The mountain ahead of me is huge. I know the federal and provincial lines can differ and I may have confused the two. Either way I know the response will be that I missed the proposal window so now it's just "old or new?" Either way, I have no attachment to my old or proposed new riding - frankly, I'm grouped in with a bunch of blue-voting farmers so there's really nothing for me.

Perhaps this can be filed in the next "proposed changes" folder. Kingston has three major neighbourhoods north of the 401 - Sunnyside, Elginburg, and Glenburnie. We can all be included in Kingston by drawing the line at Unity Road. Did you know my family often bicycles into Kingston - that's how close it is. And I'm no olympic athlete.

For what it's worth I've attached a sketch on your map. I'm incredibly sad that I missed the window for public feedback on the proposed boundaries, but that's how it goes sometimes. Please pass on this email to the Commission as well, but I'll also sign up for the public meeting later this month to cover all my bases.

Thanks again for the links and your time.

Jacklyn Wright

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

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