Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 109 commentaires et rétroaction

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Kim Duke

I am writing to you as a 30-year resident of Halton Hills to express a major concern I have with your proposed federal boundaries. Your proposal divides the Town of Halton Hills by removing Georgetown from the existing Wellington-Halton Hills riding to a new Georgetown-Milton East riding. Acton and Esquesing, the rural area of Halton Hills, on the other hand, are left stranded in the Wellington-Halton riding.

I would request that you reconsider your proposal and keep the Town of Halton Hills together in one riding. Your proposal no longer includes Halton Hills in the name of either riding — this alone would be damaging to the social fabric of the Town.

For the benefit of the citizens of our Town, please keep Halton Hills as a unified community within one riding to let us maintain our identity, our common interests and enthusiasm in the democratic process at all levels of government. Please re-unite Georgetown, Acton, and the surrounding rural area in your final boundary reorganization.


Kim Duke

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