Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 113 commentaires et rétroaction

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Retour aux commentaires et rétroaction du public

Marie Busuttil

Objection to the proposed redistribution to "Georgetown-Milton East".

  1. As a resident of Oakville I feel that the commission has not adequately explained why there is no representation of Oakville in the new name nor considerations for property owners in North Oakville who have a connection to Oakville as a whole. The commission stated " Finally, in proposing district names, the Commission sought to maintain the historical connection of communities to the electoral districts, while ensuring that names are inclusive, meaningful, and connote a clear sense of location or geographic reference."
  2. North Oakville residents will be disproportionately/underrepresented in votes for their preferred Federal Party.
  3. Where will the "new" MP reside and be accessible to North Oakville residents?
  4. The section of Oakville north of Dundas from the most eastern and most western boundaries will see significant population increases based high density dwellings which are newly occupied or will be within the near future, and in areas under development. Why is it necessary to split this section from the historical boundaries of Oakville, Ontario? Would redistributing Oakville North-Burlington in to just Oakville North be possible?
  5. Will the elected MP have the bandwidth to cover the needs of the distinctly different communities, within the new boundaries, equitably?
  6. How will regrouping North Oakville under Georgetown and Milton benefit Oakville residents? What will the direct impact be to Oakville identifying residents?

Thank you for your consideration of my concerns, and look forward to your response.


Marie Busuttil

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