Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 120 commentaires et rétroaction

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Tom Hays
Marcia Hays

The current east/west boundary between the current ridings' southerly section is Burloak Drive which is also the boundary between the City of Burlington and the Town of Oakville.

The Proposed redistribution moves this boundary 800 meters west to Appleby Line and moves those of us who live in the Burlington side of this 800 meters into a riding that has different social and economic interests.

Our schools, hospitals, and other services differ between Burlington and Oakville.

It would result in our ratepayers, City Council,and Local Counsellors having to deal with Oakville MPs and MPPs as well as Burlington MPs and MPPs.

The Oakville MP and MPP would have to deal with local problems of their Burlington constituents, a situation they do not need in their busy schedule.

We realize that population density is the major consideration in Redistribution, however we ask that the Commission consider,in this case, not to move the East/ West boundary between Burlington Lakeshore and Oakville Lakeshore ridings 800 meters west, but keep it at the current position which is the actual boundary between Burlington and Oakville.

Respectfully Submitted, Tom and Marcia Hays

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