Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 130 commentaires et rétroaction

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Kerry Colborne

I am Kerry Colborne a resident of Oakville and serve and have served on the Heritage Advisory Committee for the Town of Oakville for the last 8 years and also serve on the Government Relations and Advocacy Committee for the Oakville Chamber of Commerce and previously served as Chair of the Board of the Oakville Chamber of Commerce. These positions have given me great insight into the growth plans for Oakville and how it might affect the proposed ridings.

First, I would like to congratulate you on keeping our natural community together with the proposed Oakville Lakeshore riding.

The QEW has always been a natural dividing line in Oakville dating back to the 1850's.

Significant growth is proposed and expected in the next 5 years in the area called Mid Town which is the area immediately around the Oakville Go train station. The Town has already received an application for a 59 story residential building among many others.

The area around the Bronte Go train station is also expected to have significant growth in the next 10 years.

If the Commission is allowed to take future growth into account, then I would propose moving the western boundary back to Burloak Drive which would enhance the inclusivity of the Oakville Lakeshore and Burlington Lakeshore proposed ridings.

If not, then I fully support the proposed riding boundaries as drawn.

I have heard concern about the small portion of Burlington which is served by schools, hospitals and other services located in Burlington being located in the proposed Oakville Lakeshore riding. However, that has been the case since the creation of the current riding of Oakville North Burlington in 2013 which has a significant portion of the Burlington population along with a significant portion of Oakville population.

Thank you for your time


Kerry Colborne

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