Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 131 commentaires et rétroaction

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Luanne O'Brien

I am writing today because I am extremely concerned about the proposal to change the electoral boundaries in Burlington, ON. I am a resident of Burlington and live in the Tyandaga neighbourhood. First and foremost, I am not entirely sure how my small area in Burlington - the west side of Burlington - can be included with Milton. We are just about the furthest point from Milton. This change would not accurately reflect the needs and concerns of these two completely separate areas.

On top of that, this change would take our home out of our children's schools electoral boundary. The hospital we are down the road from would no longer be in our electoral boundary. I understand that boundaries change based population adjustments, but this proposed does not accurately reflect the needs of the residents of our Tyandaga neighbourhood.

I believe it would be smartest to have someone more local take a look at how this could work in a way that makes more sense to the areas within Burlington.

Thanks very much,

Luanne O'Brien

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