Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 136 commentaires et rétroaction

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Hanan Rizkalla

I am Hanan Rizkalla, a resident of Oakville for around 10 years with my family. I am actively engaged with members of different communities in my area and different groups, and as a politically involved person (as a candidate of record in the last federal election), my scope of recommendation will include the Oakville, Burlington, Georgetown, and Milton areas.

Today, I am sending my written submission on behalf of myself and many residents in our area, with whom we have been in touch through many events and gatherings over the previous weeks. Kindly accept my submission as non-partisan and as a representative of the public.

Getting border redistribution right is essential to the health of our representative democracy and the vitality of our communities. Respectfully, I ask the Commission to consider my proposal for the boundaries and riding borders.

Thank you again for stepping up and demonstrating valued leadership.


Redistribution proposal





Submitted by Hanan Rizkalla


Thank you in advance for your efforts and commitment to public services and thoughtful engagement with the residents to hear about the feedback on the new proposed borders.

As a resident of Oakville for around 10 years, I actively engaged with members of different communities in my area and different groups, and as a politically involved person, my scope of recommendation will include the Oakville, Burlington, Georgetown and Milton areas.

Getting the border redistribution right is essential to the health of our representative democracy and the vitality of our communities. Thank you again for stepping up and demonstrating valued leadership.


  • The 4 main considered Ridings in our proposal can be divided into 2 sections by Dundas street.
  • South of Dundas is considered as more mature, developed areas with few expansion plans (one project per riding) in the coming years. Dundas has always served as a main central street in Oakville and Burlington.
  • North of Dundas is a rapidly growing community with many plans for expansion. The growth in the last couple of years has resulted in more than 12,000 new residents in North Oakville alone, and that is just the start.
  • The development trend seems similar in Milton East area and major part of Georgetown proposed sections.
  • Having clear linear borders makes it easier for constituents to participate in this democratic process and increases voting rates.

General Points for the Proposal

  • Across Oakville and Burlington: Dundas Street to be considered as the dividing line between mature, developed area and growing areas north of Dundas.
  • For Oakville & Burlington South of Dundas: It is more practical, and better serves constituents to use a longitudinal dividing line in the Riding. That would make the availability and commuting of Member of Parliament MP in the Riding easier, provide demographic similarity, resembles the local community centres distribution and matches the municipal boundaries.
    It is preferred to avoid dividing the Riding by the a horizontal geographic borders which as that increases the bandwidth and distance for priorities.
  • For Milton North of Dundas: It is the opposite scenario due to the fact that development is growing from South to North. Hence, an horizontal line as a dividing line for the community matches better with the community's growth plans.
  • North of Dundas: as we interacted with residences and different communities North of Dundas and across the cities and towns mentioned, we agreed on the similar demographic resembles that of Oakville, Burlington, Milton and partialy Georgetown have North of Dundas. That was also confirmed by the census data.


Oakviell East:
  • North: Dundas St E/W
  • South & East: as per the current boundaries and ones proposed by commission as Winston Churchill.
  • West: Fourth line from south up to north then minor deviation to reach Dundas — as fourth line discontinues closer to north.
Oakville West — Burlington:
  • North: Dundas St E/W
  • East: Fourth line from south up to north then minor deviation to reach Dundas — as fourth line discontinue closed to north
  • West: north of Upper Middle walker Line and Appleby Line south of Upper Middle.
Burlington West:
  • North: Dundas St E/W
  • West and South: as per the current boundaries, municipal and ones proposed by commission.
  • East: north of Upper Middle, Walkers Line and Appleby Line south of Upper Middle.
Milton South — North Oakville Burlington:
  • South: Dundas St E/W
  • East and West: as per the current boundaries and municipal.
  • North: Derry Rd.
Milton North — Georgetown:
  • North: 15th west Trafalgar and 22nd East of Trafalgar as per the commission's current proposal
  • East and West: as per the current boundaries and municipal.
  • South: Derry Rd.

Oakville (Now)
Oakville East (New Proposed)
Population (111,492)

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Oakville North — Burlington ONB (now)
Oakville West — Burlington OWB (Proposed)
Population (128,001)

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Burlington (now)
Burlington West (Proposed)
Population (129,668)

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Milton (now)
Milton North — Georgetown
Population (111,083)

Milton South- North Oakville Burlington (Proposed)
Population (103,538)

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

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