Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 138 commentaires et rétroaction

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Ken Yee Chew, Candidate for City Councillor, Ward 6, Guelph, ON

Statement on the Redistricting of the Guelph Federal Electoral Riding

To the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission,

My name is Ken Yee Chew, Candidate for Ward 6 City Councillor in Guelph, Ontario. I am writing to express my public opinion regarding the redistricting of Guelph in the 2022 Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution.

After speaking to many of my friends and neighbours at the door, I feel compelled to echo the concerns of many in my constituency. As mentioned during yesterday's public hearing, many of us who reside in the south of Guelph are concerned about the implications of our community being absorbed into Wellington-Halton. Many of the challenges facing our urban population calls for creative solutions that require a united federal riding that resembles historical land patterns.

While it is imperative that the Commission take into consideration Ontario's shifting population numbers, redistricting must also take into account regional socio-economic factors and community interests. The south of Guelph is one of the fastest growing parts of the city, and currently, the population numbers of Guelph does not justify a necessary redistricting.

It is important that we preserve the continuity of the City of Guelph as much as possible so the ideals and aspirations of our communities can be properly reflected. Redistricting will also risk exacerbating the rural and urban divide, which is becoming more prevalent in our society. This is a delicate subject that needs to be carefully considered by policymakers, for equitable representation in Guelph and the townships in Wellington-Halton. With all this in mind, I strongly urge the Commission to reconsider the redistricting of Guelph.

Thank you for your consideration,

Ken Yee Chew

Candidate for City Councillor

Ward 6, Guelph, O

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