Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 161 commentaires et rétroaction

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Mary Kelly

Attention: Justice Leitch, Dr. Karen Bird & Dr. Peter Loewen

I am Mary Kelly. My husband and I bought our first home in Georgetown in 1972, 50 years ago and 2 years before The Regional Municipality of Halton was established on January 1, 1974.

Georgetown has remained a unique, small rural town and a wonderful place to live. I love Georgetown.

I was compelled to participate at one of the meetings and subsequently send in my written submission after studying the proposed redistribution of the Electoral Boundaries for The Regional Municipality of Halton.

To Justice Leitch, Dr. Karen Bird and Dr. Peter Loewen who have been charged with the responsibility and accountability — the duty of coming up with said proposal, I mean no disrespect. I understand the complexity of their Duty.

I focus on the results of their effortsthe performance the outcome With respect to their proposal:

  1. I found no evidence to keep it simple
  2. I found no evidence that demonstrated common sense. In fact, it does not make sense
  3. I found no evidence that the Commission took into consideration the factors that give each Town its identity
  4. I found no evidence that demonstrated the Commission's attempt to keep the Towns and their unique identities in tact

Using the designated website I tried to find the Town of Acton. They have always been our neighbours and share some of our identity. Acton is gone! It wouldn't come up. This is not right. They should remain part of Halton Region.

It has been demonstrated that it is totally unnecessary to go from 5 ridings to 6 as Halton Region has the right population for five ridings entirely within its borders.

The rural area of Milton could be included with Halton Hills if appropriate for Milton.

The urban area of Milton should not be divided.

Dundas St (Hwy 5) would make a good boundary for a Halton North riding.

The said proposal is radical and it would bring with it a plethora of issues and serious problems when it is totally avoidable.

With what we have been through in the last 2 1/2 years we need stability more than ever. Change, yes, but not radical change.

For these reasons and those shared by others, I am not in favour of this proposal. I ask the Commission to go back to the drawing board and adjust the proposal to reflect:

  • A simple solution
  • A common sense, logical approach
  • A strategy to keep the Towns and their unique identities in tact
  • A plan that keeps Halton Region at 5 Ridings and,
  • Minimal disruption

I thank you for your kind attention.


Mary Kelly

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