Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 166 commentaires et rétroaction

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Tamer Fahmi
Janet Fahmi

Dear Sirs / Mesdames:

We submit this email as concerned voters for our district which would realign us with an area that we have never been a part of in the past, and that is Rural Burlington/ West Milton.

We have been Burlington residents since my wife's birth in the 60's and my immigration to Canada in 1970, the Tyandaga area in which we have resided for over 22 years is a fabric of urban Burlington with needs specific to the City of Burlington, being unbundled and moved to a rural Burlington/ West Milton does not by any means serve equitable to the needs of our community.

We urge you to keep our boundary status quo moving forward.

Thank you and we look forward to readjustment of our boundaries.


Tamer & Janet Fahmi

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