Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 173 commentaires et rétroaction

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Chantelle Skeates

I am writing to you as a resident of Burlington, more specifically a resident of Tyandaga, regarding the Commission's proposed changes to the federal electoral riding of Burlington.

I am concerned about the removal of the Tyandaga and Brant Hills neighbourhoods (west of Guelph Line, south of Dundas Street, east of Kearns Road, east of King Road and north of the Queen Elizabeth Way) to a new riding, Burlington — Milton West.

From a community of interest point of view, residents in the Tyandaga and Brant Hills neighbourhoods, attend schools, participate in activities and groups, and access services in Burlington and not in Milton.

From an access point of view, there are no public transit connections between municipalities in the Halton Region. For someone located in Tyandaga, such as myself and my family, it would take over two hours to travel to their federal Member of Parliament's office in Milton by public transit.

Burlington south of Dundas Street is not only a natural border but has historically been a dividing line between urban and rural neighbourhoods in our city. It just makes sense to keep Burlington residents part of Burlington.

I advocate keeping these neighborhoods within the federal riding of Burlington.


Chantelle Skeates

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