Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 202 commentaires et rétroaction

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North Oakville Ward 7 Residents Association

We are against the proposal that would take North Oakville amd merge it with Milton and Georgetown. We suggest a bigger area of Oakville going North and South

Impacts will be felt to

  1. Federal Funding Impacts on Us Locally
  2. Accessbility:
  3. Education:
  4. Aligned Representation Provincially & Federally: If this proposal passes, there is a possibility that we would have one MPP that we liaise with and a potential of having to liaise with two different MP's which would be both confusing to residents and may not have the same impactful and weight, depending on who the MP is and where the office is.
  5. Taxes & Representation: We are the largest growing pocket in Oakville and our taxes go into the Oakville. However, if we were to be blended into East Milton and Georgetown, our interests won't be in alignment with our taxes. Our taxes would continue to fund all of Oakville, including the two ridings that we would be excluded from, but we would become a lost voice who is still significantly contributing to a Town municipally, without the significant impact of having a Federal voice.


North Oakville Ward 7 residents association

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