Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 205 commentaires et rétroaction

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Theresa Arbour
Steve Arbour

Subject: Oakville Lakeshore Proposal

Our family lives in the Tyandaga area and it is my understanding that our neighbouring Brant Hills area will also be affected should the boundaries change.

As a resident of the long established Tyandaga community we want to be part of an electoral riding that is representative of who we are, and where we are. It is our belief that representation and decisions made in Milton West will not affectively reflect the voice and passion of our Burlington community.

Our neighbourhoods are served by Burlington hospitals, Burlington schools, Burlington Fire, Police, EMS and other services located in Burlington. To remove us from our community is to take away our identity, connections and sense of community.

Please re-consider the proposed boundary changes as it will only cause a disconnect. Decisions should not be based solely on population.

Thanking you in advance for you time and consideration,

Kind regards,

Theresa and Steve Arbour

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