Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 214 commentaires et rétroaction

Les documents ci-dessous sont affichés dans la langue officielle d'origine tels qu'ils ont été reçus.

Retour aux commentaires et rétroaction du public

Heather Jovanovic

  • District / Circonscription :
  • Suggested Name English / Nom suggéré anglais :
  • Suggested Name French / Nom suggéré français :
  • Burlington Lakeshore / Burlington-Lakeshore
  • Burlington Lakeshore
  • Burlington-Lakeshore

Comments / Commentaires:

Tyandaga and Brant Hills are well-established neighbourhoods in the Burlington community that work, shop, and go to school in Burlington. Lumping these established communities with the rapidly changing and growing community of Milton would silence the neighbourhoods.

Public Submissions / Soumissions publiques, Electoral Boundary Commission Proposal / Proposition de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales (Green lines), Public Submission / Présentation publique (Yellow lines)
  • District / Circonscription :
  • Suggested Name English / Nom suggéré anglais :
  • Suggested Name French / Nom suggéré français :
  • Burlington—Milton West/ Burlington—Milton-Ouest
  • Burlington—Milton West
  • Burlington—Milton-Ouest

Comments / Commentaires:

The Tyandaga and Brant Hills neighbourhoods are strong and well-established parts of the Burlington community. These residents work, shop, and attend schools in the Burlington. The needs and interests of residents in these areas do not match those of the rapidly growing and changing community in Milton. By including them in the Burlington-Milton West riding, these neighbourhoods will make up a small fraction of population compared to the rest of the riding, and therefore needs will be overlooked and silenced in within the riding.

Public Submissions / Soumissions publiques, Electoral Boundary Commission Proposal / Proposition de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales (Green lines), Public Submission / Présentation publique (Yellow lines)

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