Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 46 commentaires et rétroaction

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John Prior

I am writing to express my strong objection with the proposed changes for the federal riding of Burlington.

- I live in the Brant Hills area of Burlington which is proposed to be amalgamated with part of Milton. We have nothing in common with Milton and need to be left in a Burlington riding.

- The Elizabeth Gardens neighbourhood also needs to remain part of the Burlington riding(s) and should not be amalgamated into a new riding that consists mostly of Oakville. I lived there in my younger years and again it has way more in common with Burlington than Oakville.

The proposed changes need to go back to the drawing board as these changes have been poorly thought out. If need be, they should draw up 3 ridings that encompass all of Burlington (both rural and urban), rather parcelling off pieces of Burlington to other cities.


John Prior

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