Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 64 commentaires et rétroaction

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Meaghen Reid, Director, Legislative & Legal Services/Town Clerk, Corporate Services, Town of Milton

RE: Notice of Motion - Redistribution of Federal Electoral Districts

Please be advised that Milton Council, at its meeting held on September 12th, 2022, considered the aforementioned topic and subsequent to discussion, the following was unanimously resolved:

Whereas the Constitution of Canada requires that federal electoral districts be reviewed after each decennial (10-year) census to reflect changes and movements in Canada's population. The current federal redistribution process began in October 2021;

And whereas on August 19, 2022, the Commission published the proposed electoral districts;

And whereas the redistribution is proposing three electoral districts to include BurlingtonMilton West, Georgetown-Milton East, and Wellington-Halton;

And whereas the public consultation phase occurs from August 19, 2022, to October 29, 2022;

Now therefore it be resolved: that the Commission be so advised that in the opinion of Town of Milton Council, the proposed electoral district boundaries do not reflect Milton's communities of interest or identity; respect historical patterns of previous electoral boundaries for the electorate; or reflect a manageable geographic size for districts given Milton's projected population growth until 2031;

And that the Commission be requested to reconsider its initial proposal to better reflect Milton's community of interest;

And that the naming conventions of any electoral district be reconsidered to better represent the majority population of the electoral district.

On behalf of the Mayor and Members of Council, please accept this letter for your information and consideration.

Yours very truly,

Meaghen Reid

Director, Legislative & Legal Services/Town Clerk

Corporate Services

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