Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 94 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jeff Dahl

Hello. I would like to comment on the proposal to modify the current electoral district in which I live. I currently live at XXXXXX, Burlington, ON XXX XXX. The residence is located in the Elizabeth Gardens neighbourhood of Burlington and is currently in the Burlington electoral district. The electoral reform proposal would move this neighbourhood bounded on the west by Appleby Line and the east by Burloak (the north-south border between Burlington and Oakville) into a new electoral district called Oakville Lakeshore.

I object to this proposal on the grounds that I have no affinity to the major part of the district being proposed. I live in Burlington and am Burlington-focused. The vast majority of my community participation is oriented towards areas west toward Burlington downtown as opposed to Oakville. The proposal appears to be strictly population based and does not take into account my community of interest in which I would like to express my vote.

Thank you for you consideration.


Jeff Dahl

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