Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 14 commentaires et rétroaction

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Dan Muys

Thank you for the many hours of work that you have put into the process of the 2022-23 redistribution of electoral boundaries in Ontario. You have put countless hours into the development of the proposals and many more hours into a robust set of public hearings.

You have the unenviable task of working within the constraints of the population quotient as well as other important factors, including municipal boundaries.

I wasn't originally planning to write. However, upon reflection, I wanted to say and amplify that from the perspective of the five federal ridings in Hamilton, Ontario, I believe the proposals you put forward in August 2022 make good sense.

It is evident to me that the Commissioners have an insightful understanding the neighbourhoods, history, geographic features and demographic factors that define Hamilton.

I believe you have done well in balancing challenging and competing demands. In particular, I would note:

  • The communities that have made up the historical Wentworth County since its inception in 1816 through its evolution to five municipalities in 1974 have been recognized and considered. Of course, all of these communities are now united within the amalgamated City of Hamilton.
  • These historical linkages are important and frame many of the communities of interest that exist to this day.
  • Key geographic or geological features such as the Niagara Escarpment and Cootes Paradise have been considered. This is important because these define Hamilton neighbourhoods and communities significantly.
  • The communities most directly influenced by McMaster University, a world-class research and educational institution that we're blessed to have in our City, are kept together in one federal constituency.
  • The "Mountain" now regains part of its historical footprint.
  • The downtown core is maintained in one constituency.
  • Traffic patterns and economic corridors have clearly been considered.
  • The migration of population into our City, from Toronto and Peel Region in particular, has been considered as the fastest growing communities within the City of Hamilton such as Waterdown, Binbrook, Mount Hope, Hannon, Elfrida and Stoney Creek Mountain remain in one constituency.
  • The fast growth of these communities, their needs and changing demographics mean they face different challenges than more established areas of the City and are best represented together.
  • Similarly, our rural communities, including agricultural communities, are in one constituency. With $4 billion in economic output, this is significant part of our local economy and fabric.
  • Within the fast-growing communities, the new Gurdwaras and mosques that are being built are also hinged together – again aligning commonalities and important contributors to the fabric of our City.

Thank you for allowing me to provide this input and thank you for your consideration.


Dan Muys
Member of Parliament

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