Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 20 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jeff Jordan, Mayor Grimsby

The town of Grimsby had its first official meeting April 5th 1790. This was the first official town meeting in Upper Canada, a full four years before Niagara on the Lake. Our town has a rich and vibrant history. In 1922 we moved from a village to a town. Grimsby was and continues to be a unique and exceptional town. In 1922 we had one of only two artificial ice surfaces in Ontario. This early innovation was the reason Montreal Canadiens had their training camp here from 1922-24.

For fifty years Grimsby has served as the 'Gateway to Niagara'. Over fifteen million visitors enter Niagara through Grimsby every year. Just this past August Grimsby was one of the thirteen proud supporters of the Canada Summer Games. This event was a huge success and showed the great cooperation between the municipalities that makeup Niagara Region.

Over the past four years as Mayor I have seen first hand how a good relationship with a provincial or federal representative will benefit a community immensely. These relationships have lead to a rebuilding of our 72 year old West Lincoln Memorial Hospital, extensive renovations of our community centre, bridge replacements and many other projects.

Splitting our town in half would completely jeopardize provincial and federal support.

This proposal involves splitting the town of Grimsby between Hamilton-East and Niagara-West. It puts the major population base into Hamilton removing our residents from Niagara. Grimsby has been connected to Niagara for over 230 years. This change will stop the positive progress of our town dead in its tracks. Having part of Grimsby lumped into Hamilton will shatter our identity as a proud member of Niagara Region. Hundreds of Grimsby residents, myself included will live in Niagara West and pay their taxes in Hamilton East. Grimsby will immediately become a remnant afterthought in both of these poorly redistributed ridings.

Please take my words seriously and address the ramifications these changes will have in the everyday lives of all Grimsby residents. This egregious flaw in your boundary redistribution needs to be repaired before being cast in stone.

Thank you for your consideration.

Jeff Jordan

Mayor Grimsby

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