Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 23 commentaires et rétroaction

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Karrie Porter, City Councillor representing Ward 4 in St Catharines

I have been a resident of St Catharines since moving from Nova Scotia in 1998, and I am currently a part-time City Councillor representing Ward 4 in St Catharines.

Ward 4 spans two Ridings - Niagara West and St Catharines.

In the past, I worked for a Member of Parliament and a Member of Provincial Parliament in Niagara Centre, as well as the Member of Provincial Parliament for Niagara Falls.

Given that my work in my current and previous roles spanned across all four ridings in Niagara, I am intimately with the current landscape and electoral boundaries in Niagara. I also understand the need for periodic changes and reviews to ensure adequate and fair representation.

I have studied the proposed changes in detail and I am in support of the proposed boundary changes for the St Catharines Riding. I see no cause for concern.

I commend the commission for drafting a logical and fair proposal for a new St Catharines Riding boundary.


Karrie Porter

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