Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 26 commentaires et rétroaction

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Muhua Yan

District / Circonscription : St. Catharines

Suggested Name English / Nom suggéré anglais : St. Catharines

Suggested Name French / Nom suggéré français : St. Catharines

Comments / Commentaires:

mainly changed as a result of my folllwing changes about niagara west, centre and falls. This time I used the riding builder software that I just found out about and can give specific numbers.

The part of thorold north of the highway is closely connected to St Catharines with no major boundary. Certainly fits better with St Catharines than with rest of Niagara West.

After my change St. Catharines is 118,939 over by 2211 which is about 2% over.

Public Submissions / Soumissions publiques, Electoral Boundary Commission Proposal / Proposition de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales (Green lines), Public Submission / Présentation publique (Yellow lines)

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