Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 30 commentaires et rétroaction

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Ross Miller

As a 25 year resident of the area of Grimsby being considered for redistribution into a new area that includes parts of Stoney Creek and Hamiltion, we are vehemently opposed to any such redistribution.

I am not a native of the area - we moved here for the London area - however, clearly Grimsby identifies itself with the Niagara region and not with Stoney Creek or Hamilton.

We are called the "Gateway to Niagara" on highway signs.

The West Lincoln Memorial Hospital, the YMCA and the new West Niagara High School - all of which serve West Niagara residents and have no tie-in to the Hamilton/Stoney Creek regions - are located within the area being considered for redistribution.

In speaking with neighbours and other colleagues in town all of whom are residents of the area being considered are shocked that this area would even be remotely considered to be included in a new district that would include Hamilton and Stoney Creek.

How something like this is even considered without the input of the citizenry is beyond me.

During the last major period of municipal amalgamations there was a push to have Grimsby folded into the Greater Hamilton area and for all the right reasons we won that battle and we remained in West Niagara and we have thrived as a result of that decision.

I think I speak for the majority of Grimsby residents in saying that all of Grimsby should remain within the West Niagara region and not be fractured off into some public bureaucrats - (who likely has no idea of the working of the area) - imagining of how the district should be drawn up

The ramifications of this would be extremely negative to the wellbeing of the town and the region as a whole.

Thank you for your consideration.

Ross Miller

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