Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 32 commentaires et rétroaction

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Salman Abbas

I'm reaching out to you to voice my concerns over the proposed riding changes for Hamilton East – Stoney creek. The major Problem I have with the proposal is the expanding of my riding into the municipality of Grimsby.

This expansion fails to acknowledge the impacts onto communities of interest. Many of those with disabilities will be unable to access the services of their Member of Parliament. This is due to the lack of any public transit connection between Grimsby and Hamilton. This lack of transit also affects those on the lowest end of the economic spectrum, without the ability to easily access services through the use of public transit either the residents of Grimsby or Hamilton will not be able to venture to the constituency office depending on where it is based.

Furthermore, the economic and social differences between the two municipalities require that the existing boundary remain in place. The community in Grimsby is wealthier and agriculturally based which contrasts the relatively poorer and more urban Hamilton east, these differences require different types of advocacy. For example, federal funding streams for ridings based on formulas that take into account household income will shift in an unfair manner.

As such I highly encourage you to bring the boundary of the Hamilton East Riding back within the municipal boundaries.

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