Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 9 commentaires et rétroaction

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Ashton Dehaan

I would like you to consider the following when making your decision to add Grimsby to Hamilton as part of the riding redistribution process:

  • Hamilton has higher poverty rates than Grimsby
  • Grimsby has a different economy than Hamilton (commercial vs industrial)
  • Hamilton is very multi-cultural, Grimsby less so
  • the residents receive services from two different municipalities
  • they have different municipal goals and objectives
  • there's no bus or GO service (yet) between the two areas
  • the needs of both communities are completely different, much like they are between Burlington and Hamilton

I would suggest that you make the boundary Ottawa Street on the west side and include some of Stoney Creek on top of the escarpment. These neighbourhoods have more in common with the existing riding than what you've proposed.


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