Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 31 commentaires et rétroaction

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Sasha Zivkovic

Accidentally it came to my attention that Erin Mills boundaries are shifting, thus meaning my home of 16 years is now set to fall within Meadowvale boundaries.

After many failed attempts, I am trying to understand why this is happening and, what steps you have taken to advise the home owners of this shift.

I check my mail regularly and in a world where we are monitored our abilities via an app's, I struggle to understand how, I have just learned of this movement?

Clearly I am not in favour of this. Amongst the several reasons I done support this, the main one is this — in this one simple move, the value of my home will drastically change as Meadowvale homes are considerably less expensive vs those in Erin Mills.

Please share the reasons behind this movement, the lack of proper notification along with direction to object this decision.

Thank you,

Sasha Zivkovic

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