Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 15 commentaires et rétroaction

Les documents ci-dessous sont affichés dans la langue officielle d'origine tels qu'ils ont été reçus.

Retour aux commentaires et rétroaction du public

Frank Ye

  • District / Circonscription :
  • Suggested Name English / Nom suggéré anglais :
  • Suggested Name French / Nom suggéré français :
  • King—Vaughan
  • King—Vaughan
  • King—Vaughan

Comments / Commentaires:

Proposed changes are numerically balanced. Attachment details how changes impact the numbers and what the new deviation from the quota will be in the ridings of King—Vaughan (KV) and Vaughan—Thornhill (TV)

The area between the train tracks, Major Mackenzie and Dufferin is currently split in half at Peter Rupert Ave, this community should be reconnected. A community just South of Rutherford (Sherwood Garden), which is isolated by industrial areas is added to KV which is the riding it is more closely connected to. The area between Dufferin, Teston, Bathurst, and Rutherford is one community with a strong Russian Jewish population. This community is currently split in half; adding the Teston, Dufferin, Bathurst, and Major Mackenzie block to VT would reconnect this community. The community in the west end which has no physical connection to Vaughan—Woodbridge is added to KV which it is connected to by moving the boundary down to Major Mackenzie Road West

Public Submissions / Soumissions publiques, Electoral Boundary Commission Proposal / Proposition de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales (Green lines), Public Submission / Présentation publique (Yellow lines)
  • District / Circonscription :
  • Suggested Name English / Nom suggéré anglais :
  • Suggested Name French / Nom suggéré français :
  • Vaughan—Thornhill
  • Vaughan—Thornhill
  • Vaughan—Thornhill

Comments / Commentaires:

Justification submitted with a previous submission for both this change and a change for King—Vaughan.

Public Submissions / Soumissions publiques, Electoral Boundary Commission Proposal / Proposition de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales (Green lines), Public Submission / Présentation publique (Yellow lines)

Additional information provided / Informations supplémentaires fournies :

Changes to King — Vaughan
Add Peter Rupert to Dufferin 6,504
Remove South of Teston, Dufferin to Bathurst -10,136
Add South of Rutherford, West of Keele, North of HWY 7 4,836
Add North Major Mackenzie West, East of HWY 27 240
Net Change 1,444
Changes to Vaughan — Thornhill
Remove Peter Rupert to Dufferin -6,504
Add South of Teston, Dufferin to Bathurst 10,136
Remove South of Rutherford, West of Keele, North of HWY 7 -4,836
Net Change -1,204
Electoral Districts Population — 2021 Deviation from Quota — 2022 Deviation from Quota — 2022 (%)
King — Vaughan 116,118 -472 -0.40%
Vaughan — Thornhill 119,771 3,181 2.73%
Electoral Districts Population — 2021 Deviation from Quota — 2022 Deviation from Quota — 2022 (%)
King — Vaughan 117,562 972 0.83%
Vaughan — Thornhill 118,567 1,977 1.70%

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