Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 17 commentaires et rétroaction

Les documents ci-dessous sont affichés dans la langue officielle d'origine tels qu'ils ont été reçus.

Retour aux commentaires et rétroaction du public

Muhua Yan

  • District / Circonscription :
  • Suggested Name English / Nom suggéré anglais :
  • Suggested Name French / Nom suggéré français :
  • Richmond Hill South / Richmond Hill—Sud
  • Richmond Hill
  • Richmond Hill

Comments / Commentaires:

see previous answer for markham thornhill modifications by me but jsut about that small part of r.hill north of 407 south opf hwy 7 and est of 404. People there eat shop and go to school in richmond hill.

Public Submissions / Soumissions publiques, Electoral Boundary Commission Proposal / Proposition de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales (Green lines), Public Submission / Présentation publique (Yellow lines)
  • District / Circonscription :
  • Suggested Name English / Nom suggéré anglais :
  • Suggested Name French / Nom suggéré français :
  • Markham—Stouffville
  • Markham—Stouffville
  • Markham—Stouffville

Comments / Commentaires:

follow on effects from markham uniuonville modifications to stop historic markham from being split and to give box grove to markham thronhill to boost it's population

Public Submissions / Soumissions publiques, Electoral Boundary Commission Proposal / Proposition de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales (Green lines), Public Submission / Présentation publique (Yellow lines)
  • District / Circonscription :
  • Suggested Name English / Nom suggéré anglais :
  • Suggested Name French / Nom suggéré français :
  • Newmarket—Aurora
  • Newmarket—Aurora
  • Newmarket—Aurora

Comments / Commentaires:

follow on effects from markham uniuonville modifications to stop historic markham from being split and to give box grove to markham thronhill to boost it's population

Public Submissions / Soumissions publiques, Electoral Boundary Commission Proposal / Proposition de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales (Green lines), Public Submission / Présentation publique (Yellow lines)
  • District / Circonscription :
  • Suggested Name English / Nom suggéré anglais :
  • Suggested Name French / Nom suggéré français :
  • Markham—Unionville
  • Markham—Unionville
  • Markham—Unionville

Comments / Commentaires:

Highway 7 is not a big boundary anymore. people on both side cross over for shopping eating and etc on regular basis. Both sides are lines with condos with similar socio economic background. Very different from other side of 407. Plus old hsitoric markham is split in the proposal at markham road and hwy 7. This was an issue 10 years ago and that comission acknowledged it and fixed it.

Public Submissions / Soumissions publiques, Electoral Boundary Commission Proposal / Proposition de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales (Green lines), Public Submission / Présentation publique (Yellow lines)
  • District / Circonscription :
  • Suggested Name English / Nom suggéré anglais :
  • Suggested Name French / Nom suggéré français :
  • Markham—Thornhill
  • Markham—Thornhill
  • Markham—Thornhill

Comments / Commentaires:

follow on from previous suggestin about markham unionville. 407 is big boundary in people from Markham i having lived there for 8 years from 2008 to 2016. That bit of markham north of 407 west of 404 and south of 407 should belong in Richmond Hill as the people there share everything with the malls and offices accross hwy 7, it has little to no meaningful connection with anyhting elsewhere in markham.

Box Grove is a good option to boost population of Markham thornhill without crossing 407. And Yonge street is a community itself with malls and condos on sides of it where as Bayview is more dense suburbs and less connection on people on both sides.

Public Submissions / Soumissions publiques, Electoral Boundary Commission Proposal / Proposition de la Commission de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales (Green lines), Public Submission / Présentation publique (Yellow lines)

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