Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 19 commentaires et rétroaction

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Debbie Adams and David Adams

We are writing to object removing the community of Harvest Hills (Map 22) from Newmarket/Aurora and aligning with New Tecumseth/Bradford.

Harvest Hills is a community 7 small streets at the top of Newmarket between Bathurst and the Greenlane Centre, south of Greenlane. It is part of the larger community of Woodland Hills and is a suburban area of Newmarket.

Our neighbourhood school Phoebe Gilman P.S. comes under the jurisdiction of Newmarket, our hydro is delivered by Newmarket—Tay and overall, we deem ourselves part of Newmarket.

However, and it's unfortunate for us living in Harvest Hills, we were lumped in with the nearby Greenlane Centre (Costco, Superstore, Michaels, Bed Bath Beyond, Bulk Barn, Milestones and many other big stores) for land tax revenue for East Gwillimbury.

For us to get to any of the East Gwillimbury municipal facilities such as the town hall, libraries, arenas, community centres and so on, it's a long, drive and not accessible by public transit. However those same facilities are not only closer, accessible by public transit but in some cases within walking distance to a facility in Newmarket.

Lumping us in with New Tecumseth/Bradford will further alienate us from Newmarket and, as per your suggested realignment, now on a Federal level.

A riding should and must be about community. A sense of belonging and represented by elected officials who know, understand and either live or work in our community so they may best serve our needs.

New Tecumseth/Bradford is largely agricultural/rural. Our community is suburban and not agricultural/rural at all. To our thinking, those running to be an MP for that riding would have a mind-set of agricultural/rural and rightly so. That's the nature of that area. But that mindset is not the same here in Newmarket/Aurora.

So please, we beg of you, reconsider carving us away from our present federal riding. We belong with our backyard neighbours (who are deemed Newmarket taxpayers) and thus far, we have been served well federally being part of Newmarket/Aurora.

Debbie Adams and David Adams

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