Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 22 commentaires et rétroaction

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Francesco Sorbara

Dear Commissioners,

I am writing to you today in relation to the federal districts' redistribution for Ontario that was proposed on August 19, 2022, more specifically for the riding of Vaughan—Woodbridge. I appreciate the importance of your work and would like to thank you for the exhaustive work you are undergoing to ensure Canadians are equally represented across the country. The Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act requires Canada to conduct an independent, non–partisan process for the review and, if necessary, revision of the federal electoral map following the most recent decennial census. This review examines the population change every ten years and ensures a balance between districts. The residents of Vaughan—Woodbridge and I recognize that some change is required given the significant population growth we have and continue to see in York Region and the City of Vaughan.

As the Member of Parliament, I have engaged in conversation with several local organizations, community leaders and residents who have expressed their support for the growth of our community to be reflected in our riding boundaries but are also concerned with the impact that certain boundaries would have on communities of interest. I will further explain these concerns in this letter while proposing additional solutions for consideration.

From 2016 to 2021, the City of Vaughan registered a growth of 16,870, an equivalent of 5.5% population growth over a short span of five years. The current proposal draws an unnatural division within the well–established Village of Kleinburg. This division can be easily avoided by drawing the new boundaries from the northeast corner of the riding instead of the northwest corner.

Village of Kleinburg: Northwest area

The Village of Kleinburg is one of the oldest communities in Vaughan and has a proud heritage. This generally small residents area has grown over the last ten years. Kleinburg is bordered by rural areas and is somewhat isolated but is seeing growth in some surrounding areas, including Nashville Heights. The growing commercial district within Kleinburg along Islington Ave is a unique space which only the residents of the area identify with. This historic yet modern development has become the backbone of this growing community of interest economy.

Due to the area's uniqueness, the Village of Kleinburg's geographic characteristics should also be considered before redrawing its boundaries, given the rurality of Kleinburg and the surrounding areas. Residents living north of Kleinburg tend to visit the area for work or leisure more often than those living south of the Village of Kleinburg.

Vellore Village: Northeast area

The Vellore area has experienced significant growth over the last ten years. From an estimated population of 35,700 in 2011 to 58,589 in 2021. Vellore is one of Vaughan's youngest communities. It is particularly popular among young families, with more than half of its residents being under the age of 39. Vellore residents generally have higher incomes and are well–educated. The area has become a community of interest, characterized by its highly visible minority population, specifically the South Asian community.

As mentioned, Vellore Village has been developing in the last number of years, with primarily young families moving to this area. Many of whom work within the riding of Vaughan—Woodbridge or must cross the riding to get to their jobs in the surrounding areas. They also visit Vaughan—Woodbridge for essential services, including and not limited to medical assistance, education and training, religious services as well as grocery shopping. This is without accounting for these residents' involvement in local events and leading neighbourhood initiatives taking place in the riding of Vaughan—Woodbridge.

Due to its interconnectedness, the residents of Vellore Village, specifically those north of Mayor Mackenzie Dr., have developed a greater sense of belonging to the Vaughan—Woodbridge area than any other area. This community geographically is part of the Vellore Village neighbourhood. Yet, it is divided between two representatives at the federal and provincial levels, contrary to one representative at the municipal level. An issue that has become an unnecessary inconvenience for the residents of this vibrant community as they often believe they are part of Vaughan—Woodbridge and are shocked to learn that their neighbourhood currently belongs to King—Vaughan.

The City of Vaughan is divided among five Wards at the municipal level. The riding of Vaughan—Woodbridge falls within the boundaries of two wards, Ward 2 and Ward 3. The area that The Commission proposes to add to Vaughan—Woodbridge — more specifically, the area "westerly and southwesterly along Major Mackenzie Drive to Saint Padre Pio Gardens; thence generally westerly along Saint Padre Pio Gardens, its westerly production and Humber Bridge Trail to Highway 27; thence northerly along said highway to Nashville Road" — corresponds to the City of Vaughan Ward 1.

It would be in the best interest of the residents of Ward 1 and Ward 3 not to be separated among different representatives/ levels of government. The proposed alternative to the new district boundaries encourages The Commission to analyze the benefits it would present to the local communities for the new boundaries to be adjusted to include the newest communities (neighbourhood) within Vellore Village instead of dividing the Village of Kleinburg. For reference, north of Major Mackenzie Dr, west of Highway 400, south of Teston Rd, and east of either Weston Rd or Pine Valley Dr.

I hope my comments and perspective prove helpful. While the revision of our federal electoral map is done following a quantitative principle, the results can significantly impact our communities for years.

As it relates to Vaughan—Woodbridge, I believe the option I have outlined to expand the riding of Vaughan—Woodbridge to include the Vellore Village neighbourhood rather than spilling the Village of Kleinburg is in the best interests of the residents of this prominent communities. The suggestions I listed within this letter utilize more prominent natural boundaries in the City of Vaughan for the process of redistribution. More importantly, this proposal's primary focus is ensuring that communities of interest are kept together through this process and account for consistent yet interconnected governmental representation at all levels of government. Ultimately, I understand that the decision will account for all issues identified during this review period. I thank you for your work. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to connect with me at XXX.XXX.XXXX or by email at

Yours Sincerely,

Francesco Sorbara, M.P.

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