Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 24 commentaires et rétroaction

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Heather Poupart

As a resident who has lived in Markham—Unionville for the past 22 years, I would like to express my concern regarding the redistribution of our federal riding boundary.

Currently, our southern border ends at Hwy 407. The proposed redistribution change would have our southern border end at Hwy 7.

This change would put us at risk of losing some major landmarks and facilities such as the Pan Am Centre, Markham YMCA, Downtown Markham, Unionville Go Station and Markham Place Mall.

This change will create an unnatural split between the tight–knit, northern and southern community of Hwy 7.

I hope you will reconsider the redistribution of our federal election boundary and that it remains unchanged as this would be a significant loss to our community.


Heathre Poupart

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