Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 27 commentaires et rétroaction

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Hon. Maurizio Bevilacqua, P.C., Mayor, City of Vaughan

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this commission to express my concern for the individual communities in Vaughan that will be affected by the redistribution of federal electoral districts, particularly in the King—Vaughan riding.

From 1988 to 2010, I represented this city in the House of Commons, and since 2010 I've had the honour and privilege to represent the citizens of Vaughan as their mayor.

I am grateful to the residents of Vaughan for allowing me to serve them in various capacities for more than four decades. I have a deep attachment to the City of Vaughan; as such, I would like to ensure Vaughan's communities continue to be well represented by submitting my opinion on the recently shared plans for federal riding redistribution, especially for the district of King—Vaughan.

Under the proposed redistribution, significant portions of the Maple and Kleinburg communities in Vaughan will be incorporated by other electoral districts. Should these proposals be accepted, the people in these historic and distinct areas will have weakened community interest.

I believe this to be a mistake.

As a former Member of Parliament, I underwent several redistributions of ridings, each of which ensured communities of interest to guarantee the most effective representation.

In the Southwest of King—Vaughan, Kleinburg, a historic and distinct community, is separated by what I believe to be a boundary that does not reflect the uniformity of this community. Islington Avenue is the heart of Old Kleinburg, with festivals and parades that have connected the community's residents for decades. From the one–of–a–kind shops on Islington Avenue to the McMichael Museum to the environmental beauty that engulfs the area, Kleinburg is, and always has been, one community and should remain so with its federal representation.

I would like to suggest that Kleinburg be kept together as one community in its federal representation, with the remaining elements of Woodbridge incorporated with the proposed district of Vaughan—Woodbridge. This would achieve unity for two of Vaughan's most historic communities, amalgamating the community of Woodbridge, and separately, the community of Kleinburg, within the two electoral districts, respectively, ensuring proper representation for both. Additionally, this change would allow for both districts, King—Vaughan and Vaughan—Woodbridge, to nearly retain their proposed voter quotient.

I cannot underscore enough the uniqueness of these communities within Vaughan and how imperative it is to ensure they are kept together in their representation.

Having served this city since 1988, I can safely state that for these communities to be properly served, they must remain united.

I hope you consider these changes to ensure the citizens of Vaughan continue to be served well.

Yours sincerely,

Hon. Maurizio Bevilacqua, P.C.


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