Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 36 commentaires et rétroaction

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Miranda Hussey

I wish to make some suggested boundary modifications involving the King-Vaughan riding. My suggestions are based on my knowledge from living, working and being involved in campaigns for all levels of government over the past 15 years.

  1. In the south-west corner of the riding the draft boundary goes from Major MacKenzie along Saint Padre Pio Gardens to Highway 27 despite the fact that Saint Padre Pio does not connect to Hwy 27. The boundary should dip down to continue along Major Mackenzie to Highway 27. This would allow for the inclusion of the entire community of Klienburg into the riding instead of excluding the pocket of only a couple hundred homes south of Saint Padre Pio. It would also make the riding boundary more logical by taking it along a major road instead of a small road that doesn't actually connect through.
  2. Right now the south east boundary comes up Peter Rupert which despite being a north south road between Rutherford and Major Mackenzie is a residential road with houses on both sides making it an odd choice for a riding boundary. To keep this residential neighbourhood intact without decreasing the numbers I would instead propose moving the boundary east to Dufferin and extending it up to Teston before bringing it over to Bathurst. While it may look odd, the community in the area that area along Dufferin is actually called Thornhill Woods so it would make some sense to be included in the riding of Thornhill.
  3. There is a neighbourhood just outside the riding that should be included in it called Sherwood Gardens. It is located at the southwest corner of Keele and Rutherford and is a cluster of a few hundred homes otherwise surrounded by industrial/commercial. I believe it should be included in the riding because given that it is otherwise surrounded by commercial/industrial it gets included in Maple (the rest of which is all in the riding) for purposes of schooling, community events and organisations and for municipal politics.

To me, the most logical way to add this community in with nice boundary lines is to extend the riding boundary down Keele to Langstaff and across Langstaff to Hwy 400. By including this area it would also include the area where elections Canada had to place 2 of King-Vaughan's polling locations in the last federal election (given they couldn't use schools) so this would give options other than schools for polling locations that are actually then in the riding.

Including this area would also include the cluster of new condos south of Rutherford and Jane which would help numerically offset the changes I proposed in point #2. I will add that depending on how much of those condos were occupied at the time of the last census and assuming you are using the last census numbers to come up with the riding population numbers to keep the numbers the same the boundary may need to be extended further down Keele to Hwy 7 and then across to 400. While most of this area is industrial/commercial it does then take in the condos down by Hwy 7 to add extra population numbers.

I think these above changes I proposed would keep communities intact within the riding instead of having them divided across ridings therefore having residents represented by the same MP as their near neighbours.


Miranda Hussey

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