Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 6 commentaires et rétroaction

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Andrew Levy

Please see the attached letter regarding King-Vaughan's boundary distribution.

As a resident and as a leader of a vital institution in the Kin-Vaughan riding, I hope you will consider my perspective.

Thank you

Andrew Levy

Dear Ms. Puddy,

I appreciate the opportunity to forward my comments on the newly proposed boundaries for the federal electoral district of King–Vaughan, as a part of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario's redistribution.

After reviewing the proposal for King–Vaughan's adjusted boundaries, I have concluded that I do not support the changes in the south‐eastern corner of the riding, in which the current boundary extending to the intersection of Bathurst Street / Rutherford Road will be moved eastward, thus excluding the area South of Major Mackenzie Drive West, East of Peter Rupert Avenue, North of Rutherford Road and West of Bathurst Street.

If this change were to be included in King–Vaughan's readjusted boundaries, it would exclude a significant portion of the area's Jewish residents that currently live in the riding, thus reducing the Jewish community's presence in the riding. As an advocate for the Jewish community, I believe it is not in the best interest of these residents to be relocated into a new riding due to this boundary change, as it will ultimately hinder Jewish constituents' ability to have their voice effectively represented in King–Vaughan.

With this in mind, I would like to strongly urge the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario to not include this change in the readjusted boundaries for the riding, and to instead maintain King–Vaughan's current boundary at the intersection of Bathurst Street / Rutherford Road, in order to maximally serve the interests of the community.

Thank you for your consideration,

Andrew Levy, Executive Director

Schwartz/Reisman Centre

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