Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 7 commentaires et rétroaction

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Thushy Thirun

Thank you for giving us an opportunity to express our concern regarding the proposed changes for some of the federal electoral districts. Yesterday I did Join the webinar, however, due to Navaratri events I couldn't stay after 7:30pm EST. Will there be another chance for me to log my submission verbally? If not, I like to share my thoughts and concern through this e-mail itself.

"I am Thushy Thirun. I am a resident of Markham-Thornhill riding. I am in this region for the last 20 years and I live in the rouge river community. My family and friends enjoy this community a lot and we take part in various community activities. I agree with the previous speaker "Malliha Wilson", the proposed change for Markham-Thornhill will cut the Tamil community in this riding more or less in half. This will certainly affect the community events and activities mainly for kids and seniors . Keeping the est to the west boundary as is will be greatly appreciated. Tamil community is one among the new thriving community in Canada, they thrive as a community, not as single individuals . So, please make consideration on the community factor and propose a boundary change on the north or south end. Thank you"

Thank you

Thushy Thirun

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